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Christian Lomas pty ltd values your privacy.


Christian Lomas is committed to supporting the ‘national privacy principles for the fair handling of personal information’ which has set clear standards and guidelines for the collection, access, storage and use of personal information which Christian Lomas pty ltd may obtain during the course of our business operations. As defined in the privacy act 1988 (CTH), ‘personal information’ is information or an opinion, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about you or from which your identity can be reasonably ascertained.


Our privacy policy sets out matters of which you should be aware regarding the information we may collect about you, our policies on the management of personal information and generally, what sort or information we hold, use and disclose that information.


The information we collect.


In order to provide you with services, we may ask for personal details such as your name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address. Australian Privacy Laws require Christian Lomas pty ltd to collect your personal information directly from you if it is reasonable and practical to do so. Where we have collected personal information about you from another source, Christian Lomas pty ltd will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are aware of.


Christian Lomas pty ltd collecting personal information about you and how you can contact Christian Lomas pty ltd regarding the collection of such personal information:


How you can gain access to the personal information collected:


Why Christian Lomas pty ltd collected the personal information.


Who Christian Lomas pty ltd would usually disclose such personal information to any Law requiring Christian Lomas pty ltd to collect personal information and the main consequences ( if any ) for not providing all or part of the personal information.


How that information is used.


We do not use or share personal information for any purpose other than for the purpose for which it was disclosed. We do not provide or sell personal information to other organisations. However we may disclose personal information to our service providers who provide services in connection with our products and services.


Keeping information accurate and up to date.


We take all reasonable steps to ensure that all personal information we hold is as accurate as possible. You may contact us at any time and ask for its correction if you feel that the personal information we have about you is inaccurate or incomplete.


Keeping information secure.


Christian Lomas pty ltd takes measures to ensure your personal information is protected from unauthorised access, loss, misuse, discolour or alteration. We store personal information in different ways, including in paper and electronic form. We use security procedures and technology to protect the personal information within Christian Lomas pty ltd is appropriately limited by us to prevent misuse or unlawful disclosure of that personal information by others.


Dealing with Christian Lomas pty ltd online.


We use cookies to enable us to identify you. Most browsers are intentionally set up to accept cookies. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies. If you have set your browser to warn you before  accepting cookies, you will deceive the warning message with each cookie. We use cookies to help us improve our service to visitors to our site and to ensure that our site stays easy to navigate and useful to its visitors.


Links to other sites from our website.


You may be able to access external websites by clicking on links we have provided. Those other websites are not subject to our privacy standards, policies and procedures. You will need to contact or review those websites directly to ascertain their privacy standards, policies and procedures.


Christian Lomas pty ltd does not store any financial information provided to us by our customers.


More information.


More information about privacy law and the national privacy principles is available from the federal privacy commissioner’s website




Christian Lomas pty ltd office is located (in the basement) 13 Bay street, Double Bay , N.S.W. 2028, Australia